Sunday, June 8, 2008

AScripps / DIY answer

Now that I have a new camera , I can share my first snail mail letter. If you cannot read it , then go to this link.

I think they are just not listening and they did not answer any of my questions about not filming in over a year at the time and selling their sets on Craig's List.

The one hour special is to air on July 3 , 2008 at 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM.

See here :,2019,DIY_14196_7-3-2008_EST,00.html

Vickie is also doing 5 minute video's on the Lifetime . The first one is "Vickie Howell's Recycled-Sweater Picnic Blanket".

Watch for more videos from our favorite crafter.

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